Functions and Stack Frames
To allow for many unknowns in the execution environment, functions are frequently set up with a "stack frame"
to allow access to both function parameters, and automatic function
variables. The idea behind a stack frame is that each subroutine can act
independently of its location on the stack, and each subroutine can act
as if it is the top of the stack.
When a function is called, a new stack frame is created at the current esp
location. A stack frame acts like a partition on the stack. All items
from previous functions are higher up on the stack, and should not be
modified. Each current function has access to the remainder of the
stack, from the stack frame until the end of the stack page. The current
function always has access to the "top" of the stack, and so functions
do not need to take account of the memory usage of other functions or
Standard Entry Sequence
For many compilers, the standard function entry sequence is the following piece of code (X is the total size, in bytes, of all automatic variables used in the function):
push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, X
For example, here is a C function code fragment and the resulting assembly instructions:
void MyFunction() { int a, b, c; ...{
push ebp ; save the value of ebp mov ebp, esp ; ebp now points to the top of the stack sub esp, 12 ; space allocated on the stack for the local variables
This means local variables can be accessed by referencing ebp.
Consider the following C code fragment and corresponding assembly code:
a = 10; b = 5; c = 2;mov [ebp - 4], 10 ; location of variable a mov [ebp - 8], 5 ; location of b mov [ebp - 12], 2 ; location of
This all seems well and good, but what is the purpose of ebp
in this setup? Why save the old value of ebp and then point ebp to the
top of the stack, only to change the value of esp with the next
instruction? The answer is function parameters.
Consider the following C function declaration:
void MyFunction2(int x, int y, int z) { ... }
It produces the following assembly code:
push ebpmov ebp, esp sub esp, 0 ; no local variables, most compilers will omit this line
Which is exactly as one would expect. So, what exactly does ebp do, and where are the function parameters stored? The answer is found when we call the function.
Consider the following C function call:
MyFunction2(10, 5, 2);
This will create the following assembly code (using a Right-to-Left calling convention called CDECL, explained later):
push 2push 5push 10call _MyFunction2
Note: Remember that the call x86 instruction is basically equivalent to
push eip + 2 ; return address is current address + size of two instructions jmp _MyFunction2
It turns out that the function arguments are all passed on the stack!
Therefore, when we move the current value of the stack pointer (esp) into ebp,
we are pointing ebp directly at the function arguments. As the function
contents pushes and pops values, ebp is not affected by esp. Remember
that pushing basically does this:
sub esp, 4 ; "allocate" space for the new stack item mov [esp], X ; put new stack item value X in
This means that first the return address and then the old value of ebp
are put on the stack. Therefore [ebp] points to the location of the old
value of ebp, [ebp + 4] points to the return address, and [ebp + 8]
points to the first function argument. Here is a (crude) representation
of the stack at this point:
: :
| 5 | [ebp + 12] (2nd function argument) | 10 | [ebp + 8] (1st function argument) | RA | [ebp + 4] (return address) | FP | [ebp] (old ebp value) | | [ebp - 4] (1st local variable) : :
The stack pointer value may change during the execution of the current function. In particular this happens when:
- parameters are passed to another function;
- the pseudo-function "alloca()" is used.
[FIXME: When parameters are passed into another function the esp
changing is not an issue. When that function returns the esp will be
back to its old value. So why does ebp help there. This needs better
explanation. (The real explanation is here, ESP is not really needed:] This means that the value of esp
cannot be reliably used to determine (using the appropriate offset) the
memory location of a specific local variable. To solve this problem,
many compilers access local variables using negative offsets from the ebp
registers. This allows us to assume that the same offset is always used
to access the same variable (or parameter). For this reason, the ebp
register is called the frame pointer, or FP.
Standard Exit Sequence
The Standard Exit Sequence must undo the things that the Standard
Entry Sequence does. To this effect, the Standard Exit Sequence must
perform the following tasks, in the following order:
- Remove space for local variables, by reverting esp to its old value.
- Restore the old value of ebp to its old value, which is on top of the stack.
- Return to the calling function with a ret command.
As an example, the following C code:
void MyFunction3(int x, int y, int z) { int a, int b, int c; ... return; }
Will create the following assembly code:
push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 12 ; sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) + sizeof(c) ;x = [ebp + 8], y = [ebp + 12], z = [ebp + 16] ;a = [ebp - 12] = [esp], b = [ebp - 8] = [esp + 4], c = [ebp - 4] = [esp + 8] mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret 12 ; sizeof(x) + sizeof(y) + sizeof(z)
Non-Standard Stack Frames
Frequently, reversers will come across a subroutine that doesn't set
up a standard stack frame. Here are some things to consider when looking
at a subroutine that does not start with a standard sequence:
Using Uninitialized Registers
When a subroutine starts using data in an uninitialized
register, that means that the subroutine expects external functions to
put data into that register before it gets called. Some calling
conventions pass arguments in registers, but sometimes a compiler will
not use a standard calling convention.
"static" Functions
In C, functions may optionally be declared with the static keyword, as such
static void MyFunction4();
The static keyword causes a function to have only local scope,
meaning it may not be accessed by any external functions (it is
strictly internal to the given code file). When an optimizing compiler
sees a static function that is only referenced by calls (no references
through function pointers), it "knows" that external functions cannot
possibly interface with the static function (the compiler controls all
access to the function), so the compiler doesn't bother making it
Hot Patch Prologue
Some Windows functions set up a regular stack frame as explained above, but start out with the apparently non-sensical line:
mov edi, edi;
This instruction is assembled into 2 bytes which serve as a
placeholder for future function patches. Taken as a whole such a
function might look like this:
nop ; each nop is 1 byte long nopnopnopnopFUNCTION: ; <-- This is the function entry point as used by call instructions mov edi, edi ; mov edi,edi is 2 bytes long push ebp ; regular stack frame setup mov ebp, esp
If such a function needs to be replaced without reloading the
application (or restarting the machine in case of kernel patches) it can
be achieved by inserting a jump to the replacement function. A short
jump instruction (which can jump +/- 127 bytes) requires 2 bytes of
storage space - just the amount that the "mov edi,edi" placeholder
provides. A jump to any memory location, in this case to our replacement
function, requires 5 bytes. These are provided by the 5 no-operation
bytes just preceding the function. If a function thus patched gets
called it will first jump back by 5 bytes and then do a long jump to the
replacement function. After the patch the memory might look like this
LABEL: jmp REPLACEMENT_FUNCTION ; <-- 5 NOPs replaced by jmp FUNCTION: jmp short LABEL ; <-- mov edi has been replaced by short jump backwards push ebpmov ebp, esp ; <-- regular stack frame setup as before
The reason for using a 2-byte mov instruction at the beginning
instead of putting 5 nops there directly, is to prevent corruption
during the patching process. There would be a risk with replacing 5
individual instructions if the instruction pointer is currently pointing
at any one of them. Using a single mov instruction as placeholder on
the other hand guarantees that the patching can be completed as an
atomic transaction.
Local Static Variables
Local static variables cannot be created on the stack, since the
value of the variable is preserved across function calls. We'll discuss
local static variables and other types of variables in a later chapter.