Showing posts with label SDN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SDN. Show all posts

B4: Experience with a Globally-Deployed Software Defined WAN

Google solutions: building a WAN connecting multiple data centers and face with these following overheads:
- WAN links are very expensive and WAN routers consist of high-end, specialized equipments that place much value on high availability.
- WAN treat all bits the same => all applications are equally treated regardless whether or not they deserve.

Why uses SDN and OpenFlow for B4 to provide connectivity among datacenter?
  • Unique characteristics of data center WAN
    • Centralized control to application, servers and LANs
    • Elastic bandwidth demand by applications
    • Moderate number of data centers (large forwarding tables are not required)
    • 30-40% utilization of WAN link entails unsustainable cost
  • Could not achieve the level of scale, fault tolerance, cost efficiency and control required for their network using traditional WAN architectures
  • Desire to simpler deploy novel routing, scheduling, monitoring and management functionality and protocols
  • Others (out of scope): rapid iteration on novel protocols, simplified testing environments, improved capacity planning available from a deterministic central TE server rather than capturing the synchronous routing behavior of distributed protocols, simplified management through a fabric-centric rather than router-centric WAN view

B4 Architecture

Composes of 3 layers: 
  • Global layer: logically centralized applications, enable the central control of the entire network
  • Site controller: network control applications (NCA) and Openflow controllers (maintain network state based on NCA directives and switch events)
  • Switch hardware: B4 switches peer with traditional BGP routers => SDN-based B4 had to support interoperability with non-SDN WAN implementation.
    • Deploy routing protocols and traffic engineering as independent services
How to integrate existing routing protocols running on separate control servers with OpenFlow-enabled hardware switches?

Switch Design

  • Be able to adjust transmission rates to avoid the need for deep buffers while avoiding expensive packet drops
  • Don't need large forwarding tables because used by a relatively small set of data centers
  • Switch failures usually caused by software rather than hardware issues => move software functionality off the switch hardware, we can manage software fault tolerance
Develop an OpenFlow Agent:
  • Running as a user-level process on switch hardware
  • Connect to OpenFlow controller hosted by NCS
Network Control Functionality


To integrate existing routing protocols with Openflow-based switch, they implemented a Routing Application Proxy (RAP) to provide connectivity between Quagga and OF Switch:
  • BGP/ISIS route updates
  • routing-protocol packet flowing between OF switches and Quagga
  • interface update from switches to Quagga
Quagga acts as control plane, perform BGP/ISIS on NCS (only control plane, there's no data plane)

RAP bridges Quagga and OF switch. RAP caches Quagga RIB and translates into NIB entries for use by Onix (platform for OF Switch?)

Traffic Engineering

Centralized TE architecture is composed of:

  • Network topology representing sites as vertices and site to site connectivity as edges.
  • Flow Group is defined as (source site, des site, QoS) tuple
  • Tunnel represents a site-level path, implemented as IP encapsulation
  • Tunnel Group maps FGs to a set of tunnels and weights

Bandwidth functions, TE Optimization Algorithm
Specifying the bandwidth allocation to an application given the flow's relative priority or an arbitrary, dimensionless scale, called fair share

TE Protocol and OpenFlow

3 roles for a switch and each of which is involved to a corresponding OF message.
  • an encapsulating switch initiates tunnels and splits tra›c between them
  •  a transit switch forwards packets based on the outer header
  • a decapsulating switch terminates tunnels and then forwards packets using regular routes

VL2: A Scalable and Flexible Data Center Network

General Problems
  • Cloud requires the agility of data center
  • Data center with conventional network architecture can't fulfill that demand
    • Different branches of network tree is required different capacity (switch at core layer is oversubscribed by factor 1:80 to 1:240 while ones at lower layer is 1:5 or more)
    • Does not prevent traffic flood by one service from affecting the others (commonly have to suffer collateral damage)
    • Conventional networks achieve scale by assigning servers IP addresses and dividing them into VLANs => migrating VMs requires reconfiguration, human involvement requires reconfiguration => limit the speed of deployment
Realizing this vision concretely translates into building a network that meets the following three objectives:
  • Uniform high capacity
  • Performance capacity
  • Layer-2 semantics
For the compatibility, changes to current network hardware is limited, except the software and operating system on data center servers.

Using a layer 2.5 shim in server's network stack to work around limitations of network devices.

VL2 consists of a network built from low-cost switch ASICs arranged into a Clos topology [2] that provides extensive path diversity between servers. To cope with this volatility, we adopt Valiant Load Balancing (VLB) to spread traffic across all available paths without any centralized coordination or tra c engineering.

Problems in production data centers

To limit overheads (packet flooding, ARP broadcast) => use virtual LAN technique for servers. However, it suffers from 3 limitations:
  • Limited server-to-server capacity (due to servers locate in different virtual LAN): idle server cannot be assigned to overloaded services
  • Fragmentation of resources: spreading a service outside a single layer-2 domain frequently requires reconfiguring IP addresses and VLAN trunks => avoid by reserving resource for each service to respond to overloaded cases (demand spike, failure). This in turn incurs significant cost and disruption
  • Poor reliability and utilization:  there must be sufficient remaining idle capacity on a counterpart device to carry the load if an aggregation switch or access router fails => each device and link to be run up to at most 50% of its maximum utilization
Analysis and Comments

Traffic: 1) The ratio of entering/leaving traffic volume is 4:1. 2) Computation is focused on where high speed access to data is fast + cheap even though data is distributed across multiple data centers (due to cost of long-haul link). 3) Demand of bandwidth between servers inside a data center is growing faster than the demand for bandwidth to external host. 4) The network is a bottleneck to computation.

Flow distribution: Flow size is around 100MB no matter the total size of flows is GB. This is because the file is broken into chunks and stored in various servers. The percentage of machine with 80 concurrent flows is 5%, and more than 50% of the time, a machine has about 10.

Traffic matrix: N/A

Failure Characteristics: failure is defined as a event which is logged for a > 30s pending function. Most failures are small in size (involve few of devices) but downtime can be significant (95% of failures are resolved in 10 min but 0.09% last > 10 days). VL2 moves 1:1 redundancy to n:m redundancy.


Design principles:
  • Randomize to cope with volatility: using VLB to do destination-independent (e.g. random) traffic spreading across multiple intermediate nodes
  • Building on proven networking technology: using ECMP forwarding with anycast address to enable VLB with minimal control plane messaging or churn.
  • Separate names from locators: same as Portland
  • Embracing end systems

Scale-out topology
- Add intermedia nodes between two Aggregate switches => increase the bandwidth. This is an example of Clos network.

- VLB: take a random path up to a random intermediate switch and a random path down to a destination ToR switch

VL2 Addressing and Routing
  • Packet forwarding, Address resolution, Access control via the directory service
  • Random traffic spreading over multiple paths: VLB distributes traffic across a set of intermediate nodes and ECMP distributes across equal-cost paths
    • ECMP problems: 16-way => define several anycast address, switch cannot retrieve five-tuple values when a packet is encapsulated with multiple IP headers => use hash value
  • Backwards compatibility
VL2 direactory system
Store, lookup and update AA-to-LA mapping

  • Uniform high bandwidth: using goodput, efficiency of goodput
  • VLB fairness: evaluate effectiveness of VL2's implementation of VLB in splitting traffic evenly across the network.

Portland: A Scalable Fault-Tolerant Layer 2 Data Center Network Fabric

Problem: the routing, forwarding, and management protocols that we run in data centers were designed for the general LAN setting and are proving inadequate along a number of dimensions.

With that in mind, there're requirements for future scenarios:
  1. Any VM may migrate to any physical machine without changing their IP address (if so, it will break pre-existing TCP connection and application-level state)
  2. An administrator should not need to configure any switch before deployment (if so, he is highly required to reconfigure when migrating any switch)
  3. Any end host may communicate with any others along any of communication path (fault-tolerant)
  4. No forwarding loop (especially in data center with a huge amount of data)
  5. Failure detection should be rapid and efficient
R1 and R2 require a singer layer 2 fabric => IP address is not affected when migrating VM
R3 requires a large MAC forwarding table with a large number of entries => impractical with switch hardware.
R5 requires efficient routing protocol

Layer 3: small forwarding table (due to hierarchically assign IP), failure is easily detected, add new switch requires administrative burden
Layer 2: less administrative overhead, bad scalable

Portland => Ethernet-compatible forwarding, routing and ARP with the goal of meeting R1 -> R5.
- Scalable layer-2 routing, forwarding, addressing
- Using fabric manager composed of PMAC and IP mapping entries. Pseudo MAC is hierarchical address => efficient forwarding and routing, as well as VM migration.

How to work?
Case 1: A packet with unknown MAC address from a host arrives at ingress switch (IS)
1 - IS create an entry in local PMAC table mapping IP and MAC of that host to PMAC of IS
2 - Send this mapping to fabric manager

An egress switch replace MAC with PMAC to maintain an illusion of unmodified MAC address at the destination host.
An ingress switch will rewrite the PMAC destination address to the MAC for any traffic destined to the host connected to that switch.

Case 2: ARP broadcast to retrieve MAC address of corresponding IP address
1 - IS intercepts that broadcast request and forward to fabric manager
2 - The fabric return that PMAC in case the IP exists in fabric tables
3 - If the IP doesn't exist in fabric manager, that request will be broadcasted to all of other pods.
4 - Then the request sent by the right host will once again rewritten by the IS (replaced MAC with PMAC) and forward to fabric manager and the requesting host

Case 3: newly migrated VM sends a gratuitous ARP with its new IP to MAC address mapping. This ARP is forwarded to fabric manager.
1 - Another host is unable to communicate due to the corresponding host with expected PMAC has not existed any more.
2 - Fabric manager sends an invalidation message to that PMAC to trap handling of subsequent packets destined to the invalid PMAC

Gratuitous ARP: packet which src_ip & dst_ip are set to the host issuing the packet and destination broadcast MAC address. This is used for:

  • When a machine receives an ARP request containing a source IP that matches its own, then it knows there is an IP conflict.
  • A host broadcast a gratuitous ARP reply to another hosts for updating their ARP tables.
Distribution Location Discovery

PortLand switches use their position in the global topology to perform more e cient forwarding and routing using

PortLand switches periodically send a Location Discovery Message (LDM) out all of their ports both, to set their positions and to monitor liveness in steady state. => help detecting switch + link failure

Packets will always be forwarded up to either an aggregation or core switch and then down toward their ultimate destination => avoid forwarding loop

- Change the way that conventional switches work
- Fabric manager => centralized point of failure due to the number of mapping entries
- Converting MAC to PMAC at switch may increase the delay